documenting and recording the places she lives and works in, the people she meets…..
…..drawings, paintings, people, performance, photographs and poetry….
(currently leading weekly Drawing and Meditation sessions online - find links in About page for information)
Breaking news - having sold out of places for Spain in June, I am running TWO more residential creative retreats this year:
- Walking Drawing Writing at Gayles Retreat in the Seven Sisters Country Park near Eastbourne 5 - 9 August 2024
- Walking Drawing Writing in the Algarve, Portugal 1 - 7 September 2004
Drawing in the winter light is a very special experience, with the low sun casting long shadows, exaggerating and distorting forms. In this workshop we will draw with charcoal using only natural light, into near dusk, when the edges of things start to dissolve and the space feels mysterious and magical.
Spice up your drawing, expand your horizons and get ready to experiment and play – Katie Sollohub is inviting you to (re)discover how vital drawing is, how rigorous and dynamic it can be, and what a joyfully liberating activity it is to do! Join her at the Seawhite Studio this Autumn/Winter
A charitable exhibition SALE of Drawings and Paintings
Raising money for 3 local charities working with refugees
Art Office: Love Machine
Join me on Sunday 18 June for an interactive art project - Tell me what you love, let me paint it for you
Living on the Edge: An Expressive Arts Retreat for Navigating Difficult Times 5 - 8 August 2022
We are living in particularly challenging times. This retreat is a gift to yourself of a beautiful container, a safe space to explore, draw, play, experiment, rest, release and let go.
The aim is that by coming together for this hour, using meditation and a meditative drawing exercise to warm up both our physical and psychological creative muscles, you will create the right conditions to start your day in the studio. If like me you find the hardest part is getting through the door of your studio, setting aside time, not letting other ‘important’ things get in the way, then this is a way we can all commit to at least a morning of creative practice. Start with this hour, and set the intention to stay present until at least midday if you can. It doesn’t matter what you do during that time - drawing, painting, making, writing, reading, sleeping, walking, playing, singing or dancing - the important things is that you are present.
Small paintings for sale for one week only (1-7 November 2021) for £100 (usual price £120) as part of Artist Support Pledge
Daily paintings from Katie Sollohub Instagram feed - a changing series of ongoing projects