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Drawing and Meditation at West Horsley Place

  • West Horsley Place Epsom Road Leatherhead, England, KT24 6AN United Kingdom (map)

Drawing in the winter light is a very special experience, with the low sun casting long shadows, exaggerating and distorting forms. In this workshop we will draw with charcoal using only natural light, into near dusk, when the edges of things start to dissolve and the space feels mysterious and magical. 

Inspired by the deeply atmospheric interior of West Horsley Place you will be led through simple mindfulness meditation exercises to awaken the senses and feel more present to the moment. From this relaxed state of being you will practice drawing in response to the changing light, using charcoal, a rag, and a rubber (eraser). 

Making quick studies as a warm up as well as one or 2 longer drawings, you may choose to focus on any aspect of the interior including the shapes and shadows of objects and furniture, the patterns and details of fabrics, and other details. 

You will be guided through exercises to help you find your own expressive language of marks, making the most of charcoal’s versatility particularly when drawing light and shade. 

You will end the day feeling more connected to your creative self, with several drawings evocative of the time and place, and a general feeling of well-being, as Katie’s approach to drawing is always through meditation and relaxation. Suitable for all. All materials provided. Come prepared to get your hands dirty! 

Cost: £90 including materials

Booking via West Horsley Place website

30 January

Drawing Interiors on a Large Scale

20 April

Colour and Texture: Abstract Drawing from Nature